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Poni Hoax



artist: Poni Hoax

title: A State Of War

country: France

label: Pan European

genre: Indie Rock / Electronic

year: 25 Mar 2013


1 Cities of the red dust
2 There’s nothing left for you here
3 Down on the serpent street
4 Blood & soda
5 Marida
6 Life in a new motion
7 Leaving home again
8 Young Americains
9 Winter Seal
10 Summerfalls
11 The word


'Indie' 카테고리의 다른 글

MGMT  (0) 2013.04.21
Phoenix  (2) 2013.04.12
Peace  (0) 2013.03.26
The Strokes  (0) 2013.03.20
Woodkid  (2) 2013.03.13